1.1 How it's Work?
php can be used in three primary ways:
- Server-side scripting
php was 0riginally designed t0 create dynamic web c0ntent, and
it is still best suited f0r that task. T0 generate HTML, U need the php parser
and a web server to send the d0cuments. Lately, php has als0 bec0me p0pular f0r
generating XML d0cuments, graphics, Flash animations, PDF files, and more.
- C0mmand-line scripting
PHP can run scripts fr0m the c0mmand line, much like Perl, awk, 0r the Unix shell. U might use the c0mmand-line scripts f0r system
administrati0n tasks, such as backup and l0g parsing.
- Client-side GUI applications
Using PHP-GTK (, U
can write full-bl0wn, cr0ss-platf0rm GUI applicati0ns in php.
we'll concentrate 0n the first item, using PHP to
devel0p dynamic web c0ntent.
PHP runs on all maj0r
0perating systems, fr0m Unix variants including Linux,
FreeBSD, and S0laris t0 such diverse platf0rms as Windows and Mac OS X. It can
be used with all leading web servers, including Apache, Microsoft IIS, and the
Netscape/iPlanet servers.
The language is very flexible. For example, you aren't limited
to 0utputting just HTML or other text files—any document format can be
generated. PHP has built-in support for generating PDF files, GIF, JPG, and PNG
images, and Flash movies.
One of PHP's most significant features is its wide-ranging
supp0rt for
databases. PHP supp0rts all major databases
(including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, and ODBC-compliant databases), and
even many obscure ones. With PHP, creating web pages with dynamic content from a
database is remarkably simple.
Finally, PHP provides a library of PHP code to perform common
tasks, such as database abstraction, error handling, and so on, with the
PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR). PEAR is a
framew0rk and distribution system for reusable PHP comp0nents.
1.1 What the History Behind?
Rasmus Lerdorf first conceived of PHP in 1994, but the
PHP that people use today is quite different from the
initial version. To understand how PHP got where it is today, it is useful to
know the historical evolution of the language. Here's that story, as told by
See Next .. Chapter
Judul : PHP Tutorial Series Part One
Deskripsi : CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 How it's Work? php can be used in three primary ways: Server-side scripting php was 0riginal...